Sheep Among Wolves: Christian Missionaries in Somalia

Sheep Among Wolves: Christian Missionaries in Somalia

Nik Ripken spent seven years in Somalia, a country ravaged by war and famine. In this podcast episode, he shares his experiences of bringing teams of volunteers into the country and the impact they had as Christian missionaries in Somalia.

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Ripken’s Impact in War-Torn Somalia

Ripken explains that Somalia was a challenging place to work. The country was torn apart by conflict, with different factions vying for control. The people were suffering from famine, and there was a severe lack of resources. Despite these difficulties, Ripken felt called to help the Somali people.

There’s really good news and there’s really bad news. Because the need was so great, we couldn’t live there as a family. It would have been impossible. There’s 93% malnutrition. We would have been raided just because of what they would’ve thought we brought in to feed our children and to feed Ruth. We were in there for about a year before the military came in.

To bring volunteers into the country, Ripken had to navigate a complex web of relationships with local leaders and negotiate with armed groups for safe passage. He also had to find ways to provide food, water, and shelter for the teams.

Despite the challenges, Ripken and his teams were able to make a significant impact. They provided medical care, food, and water to those in need. They also started schools and provided training for teachers. Through their efforts, they were able to bring hope to a people who had experienced so much suffering.

It Takes Ability and Courage to Work in Conflict Zones

Nik Ripken faced enormous challenges in providing aid to the suffering people. He emphasizes the need for volunteers with both ability and courage to work in such difficult circumstances.

Ripken’s team operated five centers, each feeding 10,000 people per day. However, even the food distribution sites were not immune to danger, as they had to be surrounded by razor wire for protection. People would line up before dawn, and if the food did not arrive in time or the military was not present to provide security, the volunteers would have to quickly flee.

Ripken found that some of the nurses from the United States struggled with the harsh living conditions and the challenging environment, and he realized that this approach was not sustainable. He asked his leadership to lend him career workers from Southern Africa for one-month periods instead.

They had some toughness. They had developed some callouses on their hands, feet, and heart. Their adjustment, while it was difficult… it wasn’t like they were going to fall apart on us or anything. […] They hadn’t practiced that much medicine, but I could do it.

These career workers had already learned the local language and developed resilience, making them better able to handle the challenges of working in Somalia. As a result, they were more likely to be successful and less likely to fall apart on the job.

Ripken’s experience in Somalia highlights the need for volunteers with both ability and courage to serve in difficult conditions, and the importance of learning from experience to develop sustainable solutions.

Christian Missionaries in Somalia Provide Medical Aid

Nik Ripken’s experience at a village clinic in Somalia highlights the harsh reality of the healthcare situation in many developing countries. According to Nik, everyone he saw in the clinic had multiple health issues, including eye infections, ear infections, skin infections, malaria, and parasites. He observed that everyone needed antibiotics, as someone was going to have diarrhea, cholera, and typhoid.

The people of Somalia face tremendous health challenges due to the lack of access to basic healthcare services. The lack of resources, infrastructure, and trained healthcare professionals make it difficult for people to receive even the most basic medical care, leading to high rates of illness and death.

In the clinic, Nik noticed that there was a long line in front of every nurse, and the line in front of him was even longer because the people believed he was a doctor. However, Nik was not a medical doctor; he held a doctorate in ministry. Despite this, he listened to the nurses and followed their directions on how to treat each patient.

Nik’s experience highlights the significance of empathy, compassion, and collaboration when providing aid to those in need. By listening to and following the guidance of trained professionals, Christian missionaries in Somalia addressed a multitude of healthcare challenges.

Nik Ripken’s experience in Somalia underscores the importance of providing basic healthcare services to people in developing countries. It also emphasizes the value of empathy, compassion, and collaboration in providing aid to those in need. By working together and leveraging our resources, Christian missionaries improve the lives of those who are facing significant health challenges.

Still, Nik says we’re “2000 years too late” in bringing Christ to Somalia.

How Do Missionaries Learn Languages So Quickly?

How Do Missionaries Learn Languages So Quickly?

Even with the best intentions, language learning can sometimes lead to embarrassing situations. Nik has had his fair share of language bloopers during his time as a missionary, and he’s sharing them with us today.

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The Challenge of Learning a New Language as a Missionary

Learning a new language can be a daunting task, especially when you’re living in a foreign country with an entirely different culture. Missionaries face this challenge as they spread the Gospel to people of different languages and cultures around the world.

Nik spoke about his experience in Malawi, where his language learning experience felt rushed:

Sadly, the language requirement of Malawi back in those days was that you would have a tutor for a year. You would go through a Chichewa language book, and then no matter how far you got in that book at the end of the year, you were dismissed to your work site. So you didn’t have any competency test. After learning that language, we made sure that we weren’t released from language learning until we could do certain things. By the time we got to Swahili in Kenya, they had a very refined program.

He acknowledged that this was a challenging experience, but it taught him and his colleagues an important lesson.

Nik emphasized the need for a refined language program, such as the one he encountered in Kenya when learning Swahili. He believes that a well-designed language program can make a significant difference in language learning outcomes.

Patience and Perseverance in Language Learning

When missionaries enter a new culture, they need to immerse themselves in the local language and culture as much as possible. They should attend local events, participate in community activities, and make an effort to build relationships with native speakers. Nik stresses the importance of building meaningful relationships with the locals, as this helps to create a safe environment where language mistakes are tolerated and even appreciated.

Nik’s sons appreciate his language mistakes too:

Our boys have never forgotten that. Anytime they introduce me to new people or their friends, they say, “You need to know that the first time our father tried to order food at a restaurant, he asked the waiter to kiss him on the mouth, and the waiter tried to do it.” I wish that was the worst story. That just simply is the first story.

Nik also emphasizes the need for patience and perseverance when learning a new language. He suggests that missionaries should not expect to become fluent in a short amount of time. Instead, they should be willing to make mistakes and learn from them. It takes time and practice to become proficient in a new language, and the key is to keep trying and never give up.

How Listening Can Improve Language Learning

Another important strategy is to practice listening and speaking as much as possible. Nik suggests that missionaries should listen to the language being spoken around them as much as possible, even if they don’t understand everything. This helps to train the ear to pick up the nuances of the language. He also advises that missionaries should speak the language as often as possible, even if they make mistakes. The more they practice speaking, the more comfortable they will become with the language.

Nik explains how his learning style differs from his wife’s:

Ruth does so well in the class setting, but I do well in the market setting. She’s going to be word perfect before she uses it, just like she does in English. I just get up and wing it. But once we’re six months out of the language school, then I’m going to be ahead of her in language because I’m going to use everything that I’ve got. If I don’t have it, I’m going to make it up. People will help me and shout out the word….

Ripken emphasizes the importance of immersion in the local culture and language, building relationships with native speakers, and having patience, perseverance, and a willingness to make mistakes and learn from them. This is how missionaries learn new languages quickly while making meaningful connections with the people they serve.

Freedom from persecution creates disillusionment

Freedom From Persecution Creates Disillusionment

Nik tells us that out of every 10 persecuted believers brought to America, only one in 10 are still practicing their faith after 10 years. Ruth and Nik Ripken have observed this phenomenon while offering freedom from persecution to Christians around the world.

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Are Our Missionaries Safe?

For years, missionary safety has been of paramount importance for the sending church, sending boards, and churches that love to pray for missionaries. However, if missionary safety is the number one issue for families, churches, and agencies that send workers to the field, then there is only one logical conclusion. “We should stop sending them and bring them all home,” Nik remarks.

This may seem like an extreme statement, but if we truly value the safety of our missionaries above all else, then we must recognize the risks involved in sending them to unfamiliar and potentially dangerous places. We cannot guarantee their safety, no matter how much we pray for them or provide them with training and resources.

Nik’s Note on Western Christian Culture

According to Nik, Western Christian culture has attempted to sanitize faith and missions of their rough edges. We want to carry our cross, but we want it to be sanded clean, lightweight, and equipped with training wheels. We do not want it to be something that breaks us down and makes us fall under its weight, as it did for Christ.

But can we truly call ourselves followers of Christ if we are not willing to suffer and face persecution for our faith? Jesus promised that if we follow Him, the world will do to us what it did to Him. “Persecution will be our lot,” Nik explains.

By attempting to remove suffering and persecution from the heart of our faith, Western Christianity has neutered it, rendering it shallow and incomplete. As a result, Nik suggests that we have lost sight of the true cost of discipleship and the radical obedience that Jesus calls us to.

This doesn’t mean that we should deliberately put our missionaries in harm’s way or neglect their safety. We must do all that we can to minimize the risks they face and provide them with the support they need. However, missions can still be dangerous. Nik recognizes that our ultimate goal is not to keep our missionaries safe but to proclaim the gospel to the ends of the earth, even if it costs us everything.

In conclusion, if missionary safety is our top priority, then we must seriously consider whether we should continue sending missionaries to the field. We must also be willing to embrace the rough edges of our faith and recognize that suffering and persecution are an inevitable part of following Christ. Only then can we fully live out our calling as disciples and fulfill the Great Commission.

A Western Perspective on Persecution and Faith

When these persecuted Christians arrive in a country of religious freedom, they often find that few people are willing to suffer or die for their faith. They wonder why they were willing to sacrifice everything for Christ in their own countries, while believers in the West seem to take their faith for granted.

The willingness to suffer and die for one’s faith is a central theme in the Bible. Jesus suffered and died on the cross, and He calls followers to take up their own crosses and follow Him. However, in the West, we have become so averse to suffering that we have removed the rough edges of our faith. We want to follow Jesus, but only if it is easy and comfortable.

This is a stark contrast to the experience of persecuted Christians, who have often lost everything for their faith. They have been beaten, imprisoned, and even killed for their belief in Jesus. Yet, in the face of such extreme persecution, they have clung to their faith and refused to renounce Christ.

Immigrant Christians Struggle with Disillusionment

When these persecuted Christians come to the West and see how little people are willing to suffer for their faith, it can be a shocking and disillusioning experience. They may wonder if this new country truly values faith, or if it is just a cultural accessory. They may also feel a sense of betrayal. Workers from these Western countries brought them to Christ, but the concern for the cross seems to be lacking.

As a result, many persecuted Christians who relocate to the West may continue to believe in Christ, but they may no longer practice their faith. They may feel that if they can have resurrection without crucifixion, then what is the point of the cross?

Nik calls Western Christians to take our faith seriously and to be willing to suffer or die for our beliefs. He reminds us that martyrs gave their lives to strengthen our faith. The willingness to suffer for Christ is a hallmark of true discipleship. This involves supporting our persecuted brothers and sisters around the world, even if it means putting ourselves at risk.

Persecuted Christians are losing their faith after relocating to the West. This reminds us how much we take our religious freedom for granted. We must be willing to embrace the rough edges of our faith and to remember the cost of discipleship.

to go as a single missionary or wait to get married

Go as a Single Missionary or Wait to Get Married?

Going overseas as a single missionary and waiting to get married are both valid options. Ultimately, the decision depends on where God is calling you for this season of your life.

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Go as a Single Missionary

Going as a single Christian missionary can be an incredible experience. It can offer opportunities for growth, learning, and serving in ways that may not be possible otherwise. As a single person, you may have more flexibility and freedom to follow God’s call wherever it leads you. You won’t have the responsibilities and obligations that married people deal with.

However, going as a single Christian missionary also comes with its own set of challenges. You may face cultural differences, language barriers, and safety concerns that can be difficult to navigate on your own. You may also experience loneliness and isolation as you are away from family and friends for an extended period:

When I was a summer worker in Zambia, and I was struggling with what I was going to do, I realized that being in Zambia with a family… I was still lonely. I didn’t have somebody that I could confide in… do I go back? Do I finish my degree? Do I get on the field? What does God want me to do?

God assured me that if I would walk in obedience, He would be with me. It wasn’t that he was going to give me a husband to go with me. It was that He was going to be with me.

Before making the decision to go as a single Christian missionary, it is important to seek God’s guidance and discern whether this is truly where He is leading you. You may also want to seek advice from trusted counsel and carefully consider the potential risks and challenges.

Wait to Get Married

On the other hand, it can be wise to wait to get married before embarking on a mission trip. Marriage can offer stability, companionship, and support that can be beneficial when living and serving in a foreign country. It can also offer opportunities to grow in love and service together as a couple, which can be a beautiful witness to others.

However, it is important to remember that marriage is not a prerequisite for serving God. There may be other ways to fulfill your calling even if you are not married. Waiting for marriage should not be an excuse for inaction or delaying obedience to God’s call.

When considering whether to wait for marriage, it is important to seek God’s guidance and discern whether this is truly where He is leading you. You may also want to seek advice from trusted spiritual mentors or advisors and carefully consider your personal goals and priorities.

Single Doesn’t Mean Second Class

As a Christian, it can be challenging to navigate the cultural expectations and pressures surrounding marriage and singleness. In some circles, being single may be a lesser status. Single Christians may feel excluded or undervalued in the church community. However, this should not be the case. It’s important to value all believers equally and treat them with love, respect, and dignity.

If you feel called to go on a mission trip as a single Christian, don’t let the lack of a spouse hold you back. In America, single Christians are welcome in our community small groups, and they don’t need to feel like second-class citizens. The church should be a place where all believers feel loved, valued, and supported, regardless of their marital status.

One way to create a welcoming and inclusive environment for single Christians is to provide opportunities for them to connect with others and build relationships. Small groups, Bible studies, and volunteer activities can all be excellent ways for single Christians to feel part of a community and engage with others who share their faith.

Acknowledge the unique challenges single Christians may face. Provide them with support and encouragement. Singles often struggle with loneliness and feelings of isolation. It’s essential to recognize these challenges and provide resources and support to help single Christians navigate them.

Being single does not mean being a second-class citizen in the Kingdom of God. Christ values and loves all believers. It’s important for the church to reflect this truth by treating all members with respect and dignity. If you’re a single Christian ready to go on a mission trip, don’t let societal expectations or cultural pressures hold you back.

Make a Difference in Someone’s Life

In the end, it’s a personal decision to go on a mission trip as a single or married Christian missionary. Seeking guidance from God and advice from trusted counsel is crucial in making this decision.

According to Ruth, the outcome can be an unexpected one:

I think God uses some women to call their children. It may be their children who step up and do what they dreamed they could do, but they didn’t get to do it. Their children take up the mantle and move forward with it.

Remember that both options are valid. Where God is calling you for this season of your life is the most important factor to consider. Either way, you’ll be making a difference in someone’s life.

are short term mission trips effective

Are Short Term Mission Trips Effective?

According to Nik Ripken, some Christians mistakenly believe that short term mission trips can replace being involved in the local church and evangelizing in their own communities. He argues that this approach is misguided. It does not address the ongoing need for evangelism and discipleship in one’s local context.

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When Helping Hurts in Short Term Missions

Short term missions can have a negative impact on vulnerable communities, such as orphans. When volunteers come into a community for a short period, they may offer love and support. However, they often do not have a long-term commitment to building relationships and supporting the community over time. This can lead to a sense of abandonment and mistrust when the volunteers leave:

We have modeled and taught orphans that you cannot trust love for more than two weeks at a time. They’re now 18 or 20 years of age. Some of the most hardened, street-wise, hard-hearted adults were children that church people loved with all our hearts. We sacrificed to get there. We told them we love them, that we will never forget them, and we will be back. And we don’t ever come back. We don’t contact them, and we don’t send letters back. After they experience that and age out of the orphanage, they’re some of the hardest kids on earth.

Furthermore, these volunteers may unintentionally model behavior that is not sustainable or appropriate for the community. They may provide temporary solutions instead of long-term solutions. This can create dependency and perpetuate the cycle of poverty or other issues that the community is facing.

It is important for volunteers and mission organizations to consider the long-term impact of their actions. Missionaries must work alongside the community to provide sustainable solutions. This may involve building long-term relationships, partnering with local organizations, and empowering the community to take ownership of their own development.

Witness in Your Own Jerusalem

Nik Ripken shares his experience of calling churches to thank them for sending volunteers who served him and his wife for over two years. He often discovered that these volunteers were not regular attendees or contributors in their own churches. He highlights the need for Christians to serve and be a witness in their own “Jerusalem,” and not just in foreign mission fields or short-term mission trips:

When someone comes to us and serves us for over two years… I’ll just call the church and thank the pastor for sending us the nurse, relief worker, or food distributor. Oftentimes that pastor will say to us, “Nik, I am so thankful that they served you so well. I don’t know if I would recognize them if they walked in the church door. I know who you’re talking about, but I know they don’t attend regularly, and I know that they are not a regular contributor to the life of the church financially. As far as I can tell, being a witness across the street in their own Jerusalem is something they have yet to work up to.”

Through Ripken’s example, we see the importance of being actively involved in our own churches, families, and communities. Serving in our local contexts allows us to build lasting relationships, share the gospel with those around us, and make a meaningful impact.

Ripken emphasizes the importance of being involved in the local church and building relationships with people in one’s own community. He believes that evangelism should be a lifestyle and not just a one-time event or a short term mission trip. While short term mission trips can be valuable experiences, they should be seen as a supplement to local evangelism efforts, not a replacement for them.

Avoid Being a “Missionary Tourist”

A common issue with short term mission trips is the influx of volunteers that can overwhelm and inundate communities. This happens particularly in urban areas. While volunteers may have good intentions, their presence can sometimes create more harm than good. Missionaries must align their work with long-term strategies and community needs:

From youth and high school all the way to retirees, these people are doing great jobs. But major cities are inundated with volunteers. Many make every effort to fit in with long-term strategies, while some unfortunately present that stereotype of the missionary tourist.

The “missionary tourist” stereotype can be damaging and perpetuate negative stereotypes about missionaries and their intentions. This can further hinder effective evangelism and community development efforts by creating a sense of mistrust and suspicion among local residents.

While short term mission trips can be valuable experiences, it is important to approach them with a mindset of humility and a willingness to learn from local communities. Volunteers should seek to build relationships with local leaders and work together to identify community needs and develop long-term solutions that empower local residents to take ownership of their own development.

Ultimately, short term mission trips should be viewed as a supplement to long-term, sustainable efforts to build relationships and support communities in their growth and development. By working together with local leaders and residents, volunteers can have a meaningful impact that goes beyond just a few weeks or months of service.

female missionaries outnumber men

Female Missionaries Outnumber the Men

For every one man on the mission field, Nik Ripken sees seven women. In tough areas where safety is threatened, Nik explains, the ratio of women to men increases. Still, it’s a misconception that God calls more women to the mission field than men. What’s causing the gender disparity in male and female missionaries?

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Men Tend to Become Pastors

Many mission organizations actively recruit men and seek to address the gender imbalance in the mission field. Yet the underrepresentation of men in the mission field compared to women remains a complex issue. Nik suggests that men still view the pastor-teacher model as the most common and accepted form of full-time ministry:

Men who want to do ministry only have one model. If they want to do ministry full-time as a profession, and they want to have remuneration for that type of service, they only have the pastor-teacher model to fall back on.

Cultural and societal expectations around gender roles can play a significant role in shaping career choices and opportunities. American men may be expected to provide for their families through more traditional career paths, whereas women may have more freedom to pursue alternative career paths, including mission work.

Nik explains that Christian organizations inadvertently train American men to become pastors instead of missionaries:

In layman’s terms, they’ve never applied their trade. Where do you go to learn to be an evangelist and a church planter? You learn it on the streets… Monday through Friday. You learn it by your elders, deacons, and church staff going out and modeling how to plant a church through your home and how to worship in your home.

According to Nik, men need to learn these skills “on the streets” through practical experience and mentorship. Formal theological training and education can provide a strong foundation for ministry. However, men need the practical experience and modeling by more experienced mentors to develop the skills and perspective needed to effectively serve in a variety of ministry contexts.

Nik adds that men face additional challenges: a desire to climb the corporate ladder, anxiety of protecting the family, lack of trust in divine providence, and online temptations.

Churches Must Break Bread Together

Nik reminds us that church staff members should have personal relationships and share meals with one another before attempting to plant churches in foreign nations:

Most of the church staff have not shared meals in each other’s homes. In the American culture, I’ll give us an A+ for raising up and training the pastor-teacher. At best… a D- for raising up and training the evangelist church planter that Jesus was quoted to talk about.

It’s essential for the staff to build community and relationships within the church. The ability to work collaboratively and learn from one another is critical for effective ministry. Creating opportunities for relationship-building and mentorship should be a priority for churches seeking to equip men for a variety of ministry roles.

advice for parents of missionaries

Advice for Parents of Missionaries

It can be a difficult and emotional process to send a loved one to the mission field. It may require open and honest communication, prayer, and guidance from mentors or advisors. With faith, trust, and obedience to God, we can navigate these challenges as family members and parents of missionaries.

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The Eldest Son in a Missionary Family

When Nik Ripken’s son asked to participate in missionary work, Nik felt both proud and protective of his son in this situation. On one hand, he admired his son’s passion for missionary work and desire to make a positive impact in Somalia. On the other hand, he worried about the dangers and challenges that come with working in a volatile and unpredictable environment:

I asked him, “You’re about to graduate in a couple months. You’ve got to let me know what you want for graduation.” And he looked at me, and said, “Dad, what I want for graduation is I want you to change your mind. I want to start going into Somalia and start doing projects with you in Somalia.”

My wife began to sob. There were tears in my eyes.

Half of me was so proud that my son wanted to do this. The other half was saying, “God, I’ve done this for our family for seven years. Now keep your hands off my son.”

For a brief moment, Nik Ripken experienced empathy for the parents of missionaries who worry about the safety and well-being of their children while they are working in challenging environments.

Parents of Successful Missionaries Bless Their Children

Fear is a common feeling among parents of missionaries based on the risks and challenges that come with missionary work in certain parts of the world. It is important for parents and their children to have open and honest communication about the risks and challenges involved in the work and to have a plan in place for staying safe and healthy while in the field.

Family members must respect the autonomy and passion of the missionaries themselves, who have a desire to teach others who Christ is. Empathy, communication, and mutual respect are key in navigating the complex emotions and decisions involved in missionary work and the impact it can have on families.

Obedience to God vs. Obedience to Parents

Nik discusses the tension that can arise between obedience to God and to parents when serving as a missionary:

Within a week or two, Ruth and I can tell whether new people who come to the mission field have been blessed by their family to come or whether they have not been blessed by their family to come.

One of the horrible truths that our listeners are going to struggle with is that non-believers bless their children to work overseas for the Kingdom of God a lot easier and quicker than Christian people do.

You’ve got moms and dads that are trying to bring people off the mission field.

Missionaries may feel obligated to honor and respect their parents. However, our ultimate allegiance should be to God and His calling on our lives. This can create a difficult situation when parents may not understand or support their child’s decision to become a missionary. They may even actively oppose it.

Nik remarks that non-believers are often supportive of their child’s decision to serve as a missionary. Non-believing parents may not have the same religious convictions or concerns about safety and well-being on the mission field. On the other hand, Christian parents may struggle with the idea of their child going into a potentially dangerous or challenging environment. Often they worry about the impact on their family relationships.

It is harder to send than to go, Nik concludes.

should we reach our own country first

Should We Reach Our Own Country First?

Are the needs of the lost so great in America that we need to reach our own country first? Nik says no. If we wait to completely unite America as believers before we go to other nations, he explains, we will not fulfill the Great Commission as Christ commanded.

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An Excuse Not to Evangelize

When it comes to sharing one’s faith with others, there are often a variety of excuses that people use to avoid evangelizing. One of the most common excuses is the idea that we need to focus on the needs of our own country first, before we can think about spreading the gospel to other nations.

This excuse is not a new one, and it is often rooted in a sincere desire to meet the needs of those in our own communities. After all, there are many challenges and struggles that people face in our own countries. Our neighbors face poverty, homelessness, addiction, and other issues that can be difficult to overcome.

However, while it is certainly important to address these issues, we should not use them as an excuse to avoid evangelism altogether.

For Love of God and Country

In fact, the call to share the gospel transcends national boundaries and cultural differences. It is a task that Christ has called all Christians to participate in.

For most people, a local commitment to local evangelism is not the honest reply to avoid going among the nations.

“I cannot go to the nations until all of those spiritual needs of a nation are met…” means I’ll never go to the nations because we’ll never meet the needs.

In other words, while it is important to address the needs of our own communities, we should never use this as an excuse to avoid sharing the gospel with others. Instead, we should strive to be faithful to the call of Christ, and to share His message of hope and salvation with everyone we encounter, whether they are in our own communities or in other nations around the world.

Ultimately, the excuse not to evangelize is not a valid one, and it is important for us to recognize this and to step out in faith. We’ll have to trust that God will use our efforts to spread His message of love and grace to all who need it.

“It is an excuse that most people find acceptable,” Nik explains.

Why Does God Allow Tragedy?

As difficult as it may be to understand, God can use tragedy to draw people to Himself. He can use it to show His love and compassion to those who are hurting. He can also use it to bring about change and transformation in our lives:

We know that oftentimes, God will bring tragedy in the lives of those who say no in order to let them reconsider about the Kingdom of God. God will often bring arrest and persecution in the lives of us believers to send us as a witness to the high places of government.

Nik shares a word of warning for those reluctant to share the gospel with other nations.

“If we don’t scatter ourselves, God cares so much for lost people that he will scatter us himself.”

is the great commission for everyone

Is the Great Commission for Everyone?

Are you feeling called to missions? Is the Great Commission for everyone? In this episode, Nik Ripken asserts that it doesn’t matter whether you feel called to missions or not. He explains that we are all commanded by Jesus to share the gospel throughout all the nations.

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What Does God Call Us To Do in Matthew 28:18-20?

Matthew 28:18-20 is a well-known passage that outlines the mission that God has called us to do. In this passage, Jesus gives us a clear command:

All authority in heaven and on earth has been given to me. Go therefore and make disciples of all nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father, the Son, and the Holy Spirit, teaching them to observe all that I have commanded you.

Making disciples involves sharing the Good News with others and teaching them about Jesus Christ. We are called to be witnesses for Him so that others will know about His crucifixion and resurrection. Additionally, we need to offer spiritual guidance by helping people develop their relationship with God through prayer and study of scripture. Ultimately, our goal should be helping individuals grow closer to Christ so they can experience His transformative power in their lives.

Debunking a Call to Missions

Nik firmly believes that Christ has commanded everyone to share the gospel in all nations, and a call to missions is just to help us decide which country we should go to. He claims the act of evangelizing is not only a mission for full-time missionaries: it’s a duty for every believer.

However, Nik also tells us about his first experience with a mission board that felt differently:

For the next 30 minutes, they gave me a four-point sermon. They took turns with it. With this mission board, for you to be a missionary in an overseas setting, you had to have a four-fold call. You had to have a call to salvation, a call to ministry, a call to missions, and a call to a particular country.

The panel asked a young Nik Ripken what he thought about their call. Then, Nik’s response stunned the mission board:

I said, “It sounds like to me that you Baptists have created a four-fold call that gets you to missions. It allows you to be disobedient to what Jesus has commanded you to do.”

I got a one-way ticket to Africa.

After serving for 35 years, Nik Ripken still believes that the Great Commission is for everyone.

Why is Christianity Declining in the West?

Although it can be tempting to live in comfort, Ripken explains that we must be willing to spread the gospel beyond our own churches or communities. Otherwise, our faith will suffer drastically:

In the Western world, Christianity is declining because we’ve turned the command of Jesus into something else: some miraculous, secondary call that we are to hear. What are we supposed to do? Hear the voice of God again, saying, “I’m calling you; get up and go to the mission field?”

If we do not engage in cross-cultural work, Nik believes, our churches become inward-looking rather than outwardly-focused on teaching others about Christ’s path to salvation.

Do Miracles Happen in America

Do Miracles Happen in America?

Sometimes Christians in the West can get so caught up in the stories of miracles taking place overseas that we forget to be grateful for what we enjoy at home. Do miracles even happen in America?

In this episode, Nik Ripken reminds us that America is blessed with an overt miracle. We’re talking about the freedom to worship in a land of abundance.

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Are Bibles Allowed in China?

When Nik visited 150 Chinese pastors in a network of persecuted house churches, he was shocked to see them tearing the Bible apart. After ripping each book of the Bible into individual portions, they handed each pastor one book to take home as a resource.

However, Nik noticed their frustration at once:

[The Chinese pastors] got upset with me. They said, “Nik, you’ve got to explain to us…. Why is it that God loves his children in America so much more than he loves his children in China?” I was just dumbfounded.

In China, there are restrictions on how Bibles can be obtained and distributed. For example, only state-sanctioned churches can stock or sell bibles. Any other attempt at distribution may face consequences such as fines or imprisonment.

Believers cannot vocalize praise songs. Instead, they sit knee-to-knee and mouth the words without making sounds. If their voices were to be heard outside their homes, the military police would swiftly arrive to enforce Chinese government policy and shut down the practice.

The pastors helped Nik to better understand the challenges of the persecuted church:

They said, “Nik, you’ve watched us tear our Bibles into shreds and let people go home with the Book of Genesis, or John, or Psalms…. You’re telling us that in Ethiopia, where you and your family live right now, you have seven different translations just for you?”

Nik recalled that these pastors had been denied access to Bibles for so long. Yet, they were still so devoted to teaching from the Bible that they physically divided God’s Word among themselves.

Tearing the sacred text apart was the Chinese pastors’ response to scarcity within the persecuted church. This incredible example of solidarity and commitment to faith despite religious persecution moved Nik deeply.

Religious Freedom in America

On one Sunday morning, Nik took a Muslim-background believer to an American church for the first time. The newcomer was thrilled to see that the service started with a baptism of an entire family.

She surprised Nik with her reaction:

I can’t believe it! You’re telling me that an entire family is baptized in public, and [the father] is not going to be beaten, put in prison, and killed? His wife and his daughters are not going to be forced to marry a 60-70 year old man in a mosque, and disappear in another wife’s house? His son is not going to be put in a conservative Muslim village and disappear and never be found again? I think I’m going to stand up and shout! I’ve never seen America like this!

Nik Ripken asserts that miracles do happen in America. We enjoy an abundance of religious freedoms and resources unlike anything that exists in the Muslim world. Therefore, the peace we experience as a result is an overt miracle in itself.